Monday, June 27, 2011

Not Dreaming = Not Living

Recently friends and colleagues have all been coincidentally saying the same thing to me; "Everyday cant be exciting","Not many people LOVE their jobs so grow up", "This is reality stop dreaming and be practical",etc... All of this ultimately boils down to the simple concept of "settle".  I began to think maybe I am kidding myself, maybe my feet are not planted on the ground anymore, maybe I lost touch of what is real and what is not. But before I fully gave into such thinking, a friend of mine told me "A guy once told me that if your not dreaming your not living." What's ironic is that, that was something I had told him a couple years ago.

I believe the universe does conspire to push you in the right direction when you have the will to persevere. This was a reminder that I shouldn't settle for good enough. It was one of those moments that stick out to me as if to nudge me back on track when I waiver. Chasing your dreams may not be easy or even comfortable but they are well worth it! I truly do believe that if you are not actively pursuing what makes you happy and your own dreams then you devalue the gift of life you are granted. Thanks good friend for bringing me back to where I should be.

So strive for impractical, for extraordinary, for amazing, its these things that differentiate between just being alive and living.

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