Thursday, November 29, 2012

Round and Round we go.

Just found that I Never published this, so why not now...

So insomnia has hit me and I figured Id write.

I have come to the plain conclusion that life moves in cycles. Just when you believe it has become stagnant, it changes. There will be many off times but they are equally followed by many incredible periods. The beauty of Life is that every day is a new beginning, a clean slate, and an undiscovered destination. I believe that as we grow older, its our ability to recognize these trends and respond accordingly to them, that really contributes to our general comfort and happiness.

Life in itself is a rarity. Modern Science still has not found a way to properly define it because it is so unique. Its a different and intimate  

I was once told that life becomes the quietest and and the most still before it changes dramatically... this definitely seems to be the case over and over. 

Do Everything Right Now

   Its been a while since I have written here cause I have been pretty busy with so many things. Finally for the first time in as long as I can remember, I started saying No to things. No to that Start-Up idea, No to joining an extra committee, No to all the parties. What happened? Not really my style - I was always about "Never let an opportunity go." But what I was finding was that over-ambition is equally undesirable as under-ambition when managed improperly. I still am very ambitious but I try not to OD on my own endeavors. Saying No to things is quite difficult and a bit unnerving for me since I have been used to taking on anything and everything I can get my hands on. I have discovered that over the years my returns based on the hours I have put in have been diminishing greatly. What happened? What changed?
Some may regard this to aging and that a vibrant and spunky early 20 something can multitask effectively than their elders, but some studies have revealed that while younger people may multitask, it is no indication of the quality of the task. It was found that the tasks were completed with various levels of quality in which almost all cases, it was less than if that task was focused upon. Aha there it is! FOCUS. That's my problem!

We are constantly reminded through movies, tv, and music to live for the moment, do everything right now because life is too short,  and don't regret in the future not doing something now. While all of these are very true, its necessary to put a disclaimer that states "NOT AT THE SAME TIME". I tried to do everything only to complete somethings in less than a awesome way. I ended up being really stressed out and what I used to enjoy greatly became another job which lost its appeal.  Only when I consciously made an effort to slow down and prioritize what I want to do now, did I realize that I started to enjoy them and began to perform better at them again.